Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) Pain
After a motor vehicle accident, individuals often experience persistent neck pain, as observed in cross-sectional studies.
Motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) can result in significant bodily injury due to the forceful impact involved. One common symptom experienced by nearly all patients is soft tissue pain. In addition, the use of seatbelts can lead to bruising in areas such as the abdomen, chest, shoulders, or neck. MVAs can give rise to various other issues, including concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is important for healthcare providers to accurately assess the extent of injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. This enables them to provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment to ensure your well-being.
There are a variety of injuries a motor accident vehicle can cause. Some of the common Motor Vehicle Accident injuries are:
- Ligamentous Sprains (injury to ligaments that attach bone to bone)
- Muscular Strains (injury to muscles)
- Fractured Bones
- Whiplash Associated Disorder – WAD (damage to the neck)
Every situation is unique, and specific diagnoses and treatment options should be prescribed by a healthcare professional. Common injuries occur in different parts of the body, such as:
- Back
- Neck
- Spinal Cord
- Chest
- Internal Organs
- Shoulder
- Head and Face
A wide range of treatments are available for Motor Vehicle accident pain. Surgery may be necessary depending on the severity of the injury. Some of the rehab treatment options for recovery are:
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic Care
- Shockwave Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- Psychological Assessment and Treatment
- Pain medicine: NSAIDs

The contents contained within this page are not a substitute for health professionals’ advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We advise that you seek advice from a qualified healthcare practitioner. We fully disclose that any surgical or invasive procedures come with risks.
For more details on how to relieve or treat chronic pain, you can reach out to one of our pain specialists at any of our pain care clinic locations. We establish a caring relationship and provide patients with pain relief when needed the most.
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